August 14, 2008

Bodie National State Park

June 14, 2008

Bodie is an area that gold was discovered in 1859, by W.S Bodey. The mines produced gold value more than 100 million dollars.

But now in these days, I think there’s no more gold in that area.

For me, went to the Bodie California State Park is one, just like going back to the past. Actually Bodie is really big town in the past. Because of the fire, half of the town got burned. Almost all the houses, building, church made from wood.

When the town got burned, and there’s no gold anymore, the people are moved to another place, they left their thing left behind. Just like this one of this store.

There’s also the car that they used that time, even though not all of the people use car in that time. I think most of them still use the horses.

This is one of the building, it was a bank

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